Friday, 1 April 2011

Foundation Portfolio Evaluation Question Seven - Sarah Ellis

I have learnt many things about technologies during the process of constructing our film. The internet helped us create our film by providing us with information about our target audience. Through websites such as IMDB we were able to gather information about what age and gender watched our genre of horror film. We were also able to gather clips from films which helped us in the construction of our own. Besides the internet we also used Imovie. This was the most helpful technology we used as it allowed us to put our film together. We were able to edit our clips to our satisfaction as well as adding desired effects and transitions to make our film the way we wanted it to look. We also used Garageband to create our film soundtrack. 

The dots being pulled into different positions allowed us to change the volume of our sounds. For example, if we wanted the track to become quieter for a part to let other parts of the soundtrack become apparent.  

The musical keyboard allowed us to create some of our background sound. We were able to construct eerie atmospheric sounds.

These are our recordings. We recorded our zombie noises and scream and laid them over the soundtrack where they were needed.

Dan and Tom did the soundtrack whereas Kim and myself edited the film. They were able to record their own sound in Garageband as well as adding different effects the make the sounds eerie. We used the website Blogger to document all of our work. I believe it is very useful as all our work is in one place so it helped with the organization of our work.

The technologies did allow us to become more creative with our work as if the technology was limited I believe that the overall effect of our film would not have been as effective. I believe that our film would lack intensity and interest if created using a basic software program. Imovie allowed us to darken our shots to make the atmosphere of the film darker. 
I believe that these technologies gave us more control over the piece as we were able to edit all aspects of it, view were we went wrong and what needed re-doing, what effects were needed and what cuts to make.

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