We were able to frame shots properly as we avoided missing off the top of peoples heads; which we accidentally did in some of our previous test shots. We tried to maintain the rule of thirds throughout but it was more difficult when conducting panning shots.

Use of Editing

We made the decision to not include transitions to link our clips together as we believe that it would ruin the effect created by just the clips being put together.
Selection of Content
Our finished film doesn't really show any evidence for appropriate costume, make-up or props for our genre as we had to film it in class time without any of our resources. I believe that we chose an appropriate location and setting for our genre as the woods were quite eerie, yet there was still reasonable room to move around and film. Because we had to film in class time, we had to use Tom from our group for the part. I believe that Tom did well and that he acted convincingly anyway. I had to act one of the parts but to be fair I didn't really have to do anything but stand there.
To help complete the film I contributed by filming various parts. I filmed the beginning panning shot and the low angle shot. In planning, I helped discuss which shots and angles could be used with my group and helped complete the shot list. I helped edit the film also. I split the film clips so that they would be easier to edit and helped cut clips also.
I believe some improvements which could be made to our finished film is to include make up and proper costume and also to find a different way of making the background noise the same all the way through. We could have also added titles but it proved to be a lot of hassle when we were trying to add it.
When it comes to our final coursework film I believe that we will make sure that we are more prepared and allow ourselves more filming time.
Peessh Out :)