Friday 22 October 2010

evaluation by dan smith :)

1. Our finished work shows that we can hold a camera steady in hand and on the tripod. we are able to frame the shot properly with the rule of thirds and without missing the top of peoples heads. we used many shot types like  the long shot (as seen below), the two shot ( as seen to the right), and the over the shoulder shot (in the middle).
2. secondly our work can show that we can use continuity editing as our film flows together. we didn't use any transitions but it does flow well together.

3. our film does show that we have chosen carefully our costume and location. we also had to use our selves as actors but i think we complimented our own work. 
4. i helped film and put across my thoughts on how it should be shot. i also helped chose the setting and direct the production. if we could of used some longer bits of film would of helped also certain sounds and visual affects would of helped but the ones we wanted were not available. i dont think i would change anything for our final assesment because i think it all went swimmingly :)

peace out too all :) <3 xxxxxxxxx

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