For my contribution to the production I was one of the directors that filmed the horror film. I also got some of the props like the bag that the boy was wearing and I made some of the fake blood that was used as make-up and for the intestines when the actor gets eaten. We had to re-shoot our film four times throughout our time that we had to record it, which means I had to get my actor to agree to come back every time. I edited the film with Sarah after each shoot, this meant that we could see what was wrong with our film and it showed us what we needed to change. Our original idea was that the boy picks up paper that he has dropped when he gets tackled, but after each re-shoots we changed it to him picking up money, then on the last shoot we changed it to him finding a wallet and picking up all of its contents.
After we finished our final shoot, Sarah and I edited the film again and made it to as close as two minutes as we could get it. We had to put transitions into the film like the fade and the black screen at the end. We also had to chop bits of the clips to make them shorter and more scary then they would've been if they were long.

Overall I think that I put a lot of effort into the process for planning, production and post-production throughout this year. I am happy with our end result of our film as it is just what we imagined it would be. I think our film fits in closely with our original idea and we only had to change one of the main ideas about the paper, but overall I think it was a success and I am very happy.
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