Monday 15 November 2010

Marking previous work- TOM NUNN

Clip one- I thought that this could have been improved by not making the camera focus on one image for too long as i found myself partially intrigued however mainly bored and none phased by a bit of blood on a wall, good continuity, If the camera was a bit more steady i would mark it higher, and the lighting was at parts to dark to see anything.overall 39/60
clip two- i found this very effective in the sense that we knew what was going on and the man with the knife remained hidden throughout, the lighting was effective for its purpose however there was not much happening, good continuity, however the camera seemed rather unfocused and the location and prop of a TV watching a word programme didn't exactly set the scene for me. 45/60
clip three- this was a good idea with bad acting on the girls behalf, but the clip seems to flow a well.  good lighting and continuity, the setting was good, with the boy being haunted buy the girl who was following him, and that he couldn't escape her very ghost/ poltergeist. overall 55/60
clip four- very effective editing and a great possessive scene with the spinning camera as it had a nice close up of the possessed victim/ vampire. the last part where we see the vampire appears to last too long. good use of lighting with red fgor when hes the blood loving vampire. Overall- 55/60

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