Friday 26 November 2010

Pitch Feedback

We recieved some feedback from our pitch:
- Difficult to make
- Dialogue is needed for the narrative but creates cheesiness.
- Uniform on large scale
- Hard to find enough cast and location
- Too many zombies and too much gore could make it over the top.
- Make sure the zombies look good or it could look stupid
- A lot of people need make up

We have taken all feedback into account. We have people that would help us out with make-up so that is not an issue. We also have plenty of willing people who would be in our film so we have enough cast. Lots of people have their old school uniforms that we can use for costume. We are going to try and make sure we have enough gore and the correct amount of zombies but not too much so that it isn't over the top. We are going to try and find a good tutorial for realistic zombie make-up to help us make the zombies look good. We are going to try and keep the dialogue casual and realistic so it doesn't make the film cheesy.

Peesh Out
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ;) <3

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