Thursday 11 November 2010

Sarah Ellis: Homework Exercise, Marking Previous work

Clip One: I thought that clip one was quite well put together. There were a variety of shots and interesting music. The one disadvantage was that some of the camera work that seemed would work better had it been smoother was rather shaky. I'd give this clip a 55 out of 60.

Clip Two: The dialogue in this clip was very cheesy. There wasn't much need for it. There was also a lot of the same shot from the same angle. More shot varieties could have been included. There was also a continuity error with the writing pad, one minute it was there and the next it wasn't. I did think that the first part was good. I'd give this clip a 46 out of 60.

Clip Three: The first part of this clip was very dark and I was unable to tell what was going on. Also the music is very overpowering and draws attention away from the actual scene. I know you don't have to have top actors but there was no reaction at all when she was attacked. I'd give this clip a 42 out of 60.

Clip Four: The lighting changes remarkably suddenly at the beginning of this clip. It is also fairly dark most of the way through which makes it hard to see detail. I like the quick paced shot changed when he's changing into a vampire. I'd give this clip a 47 out of 60.

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