Monday 15 November 2010

Dead Set Evaluation- Tom Nunn

Title - Dead Set
CERTIFICATE - 18 very gory and strong language and all extremely unneccesaary... neccesary !
I watched the film Dead set to help me with my research towards finding useful tips and information about the key aspects of a Zombie horror film.
 I found multiple things that would be essential for our opening sketch.
The main idea is the camera angles, as there are lots of Cu's and ECU which makes it much more scary and shows off the effects of the make up much more.
The eyes add to the suspense as it adds a level of understanding to the viewer as they know that they have become a zombie, this is very important to create more tension and no confusion.
the characters appear vulnerable as there are lots of shots showing the lack of them in the house and the mass of zombies entering the house. This would be useful in our film but i think finding enough people might be hard.
The location was a very clever idea in the sense that most of the characters at first weren't aware of the zombies, and the fact that one of them turned into one made it feel like no one was safe and the whole film was filled with tension. i feel we should use a secluded area maybe so that then it appears that the main characters are all unaware of the outbreak so that its more tense when they are surrounding them.
the main props are the brutal weapons they have to use which adds to the drama and horror, and also the fake guts etc when the zombies are eating them, this could be created by mixing a tomato base sauce with mince meat then adding in raw sausage meat and crushing it together, this can then be shaped into fake intestines.
the music is a very base filled dramatic dance beat to add to the excitement, and silence and the sound of zombie groans and screams as innocents get eaten.

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