Question 3 evaluation part one- Tom Nunn
We are making a zombie horror movie, which is aimed at mainly males ages 18-29. This is because males at this age want excitement and blood and gore, i can see this from the ratings from dead set which is what e are hoping to achieve with our finished product.
Votes | Average | |
Males | 4,449 | |
Females | 580 | |
Aged under 18 | 54 | |
Males under 18 | 41 | |
Females under 18 | 13 | |
Aged 18-29 | 3,000 | |
Males Aged 18-29 | 2,599 | |
Females Aged 18-29 | 389 | |
Aged 30-44 | 1,781 | |
Males Aged 30-44 | 1,619 | |
Females Aged 30-44 | 148 | |
Aged 45+ | 191 | |
Males Aged 45+ | 165 | |
Females Aged 45+ | 24 | |
Top 1000 voters | 87 | |
US users | 558 | |
Non-US users | 3,997 | |
IMDb users | 5,532 |
this group is associated as loving gore as they are thought of as male youths- the hooligans a an age where violence is associated with it therefore zombies are perfect. i can see from loking at the reviews of the film Dead Set and Dawn of the Dead that the blood and gore excites them and they like something that makes you jump. our film tries to meet those needs so that the audience is scared from start to finish. we intend on making the film scary through the use of lots of close ups and blood.
one person who watched Dead Set said:
"Dawn of The Dead Set, 1 November 2008
Considering this is a low budget TV film Charlie Brooker has pulled off a fantastic little gem, based on the premise of a Zombie Outbreak in England and the tale of a eclectic band of survivors (most of whom already hate each others guts) stuck in the Big Brother House, a satirical comment on the vacuousness of Reality TV to rival Romero's commentary of consumerism in the original Dawn of the Dead.
Taken as a gore fest with a huge dollop of black humour it works a treat and even the nihilistic ending fits so well into the message. Some great references throughout for Zombie Film Fans and Big Brother Fans alike. I like fast Zombies, much scarier and more threatening than traditional shufflers and considering the limited time this mini-series had they really were a necessity. Having some of the real ex-house mates and Davina as Zombies was a great touch.
If you enjoyed Dawn of the Dead (2004), 28 Days and Weeks Later, REC and Shaun of the Dead, Dead Set is definitely worth a viewing."
Taken as a gore fest with a huge dollop of black humour it works a treat and even the nihilistic ending fits so well into the message. Some great references throughout for Zombie Film Fans and Big Brother Fans alike. I like fast Zombies, much scarier and more threatening than traditional shufflers and considering the limited time this mini-series had they really were a necessity. Having some of the real ex-house mates and Davina as Zombies was a great touch.
If you enjoyed Dawn of the Dead (2004), 28 Days and Weeks Later, REC and Shaun of the Dead, Dead Set is definitely worth a viewing."
found off
This supports that men like these films and will enjoy watching one.
thanks for reading
by Tom Nunn