Saturday 19 March 2011

question 8 preliminary exercise comparrison- daniel smith!!

looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to your full product?

In the preliminary task we were cautious to the amount and variety of shots we used, which is because we were copying another groups work. whereas with our final production we were able to try various shot types and angles as it was our own creation for example low and high angels, running shots and canted angles. so from that we have learned what shots work well to gether and that with out the 'laws of camera angles' like 180 degree rule the film and production wouldnt flow or look correct like our preliminary task which didnt really look good.
this shot in our preliminary doesn't work because it didn't flow with the film as the cut was just like a jump instead of a fast cut unlike in our production where this shot especially flows perfectly as there are no obvious jumps and it follows all the rules of shooting.

Another progression we have made was choosing the location and how import location is to the film. unlike in the preliminary task our location for our production was thought about alot as there were two locations in the house and the school grounds, where as our first task was limited as we filmed it in college and although it looked ok it wasnt a very thought about location.

Things we learnt from our first task that we inclueded in our production was the use of suspense, shock, how to use the imovie affects, how to mute recorded noise and only have the noise we want in the film. But we also learnt whilst making our production how to create our own music and add it to the film on garage band.

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