in what ways does your media product use, develop or challege forms and conventions of real media productions?
The main conventions of of a zombie horror film are as follows:
- Guesome and copious amounts of blood.
- Use of various wepons and items as wepons.
- Typical use of gravyards and the dead rising.
- Use of close ups.
- Jumpy and high intense atmosphere.

For example in the films '28 days later' and '28 weeks later' its seems like the blood thirsty enemy(zombies) will stop at nothing to kill. we used this aspects as it was a very important part of all zombie films that the threat will stop at nothing. also there is scenes which make you jump and scared which is the whole part of a horror film. We also looked at the TV series 'Dead set' which gace use a lot of inspiration for example when there is an extream close up of the zombies eyes, we adapted that and changed the colour to red and had one of our zombies with red eyes. the fact that only one of our zombies had red eyes was to unnearve the audience and also make them think why is this one special? We then had the idea of a zombie tackleing our victim to the ground befor eating him to show the need to kill every living thing.

All this research gave us alot of our initial ideas like the idea we had of the passing of time like in '28 weeks later'. we also thought of filming it at night but then thought that that wasnt chalenging enough of the conventions of a typical zombie film where then can only come out at night so we thought why not have them out during the day to show nowhere is safe like in dead set. The use of blood frothing and dribbling from the zombies mouth was an idea we had from the first plan that we would have a close up of a zombie producing blood from their mouth. I then had the idea of having a dead bodies guts being eaten as the 'head zombie' looks up to tackle the main victim. this was developing the idea of zombies not only killing but full on eating like in dead set when there are multiple shots of zombies eating the insides of humans.
The conventions that we challenged were the fact zombies could run unlike in the original zombie films when they just staggered around. We also challenged that the zombies wern't the 'living dead' but were as the tittle suggests a result of some biological wepon or new disease. these were the only conventions we changed so that it was different to other zombie films but still have some of the same ideologies.
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