Prom Night |
Scream |
our horror film |
4) How does your media product represent particular social groups?
-How does the Horror genre traditionally represent social groups and Why? (age, gender etc/stereotypes?)
The horror genre traditionally represents teenagers as there are many horror films like scream, prom night, haunting in conneticut and an exorcism of emily rose that all involve people in the age range of 13-20, this shows that the horror genre supports this age as, as they have people of this age in their films they attract people of the same age to watch the film. This is because it relates more to them and it makes them more scared as it could actually happen to them.
They have many sterotypes in them like in "Prom Night" there is the typically "bonde" damsel in distress that is being hunted by her killer throughout the film, as well as this "The Exorcism Of Emily-Rose" also has a girl that is being tormented by a supernatural unknown threat throughout the film. This shows us that it attracts teenagers as girls go to see it as they are the same age as the characters in the horror film, and the males go to see it as there are "pretty" girls that are in the horror films. Therefore, the horror genre traditionally relates more to the younger teenage generation as they are of a simular age range and can relate to what some characters are going through in the film.
Zombie from our horror film |
Zombie from Dawn of the Dead |
-What did you do to accomodate these representations practically on your production? (casting, mise-en-scene etc)
We accomdated these representations by casting our main characters as teenagers (the boy and the girl at the beginning) this represents the social group as many people that go to see see horror films are teenagers and by casting people of a simular age it will appeal more to that social group. As it is a zombie horror film we have also casted older people from about the age of 39-45 this is so we can get a range of ages to show that the "Outbreak" has affected everyone not just one age range, I think that this makes it more scary as it could happen to everyone, so this shows that people of all ages might go to watch our film.
cast are wearing normal clothes, which is usual in a up to date zombie horror film |
We dressed our actors in normal clothes like, skinny jeans, jumpers, trainers, tracksuit bottoms, to show that they are normal people like you and me and that if it could happen to them it could happen to you. This makes the film more scary as you can see that the characters are just going about their normal routine, walking down the same path as they do everyday but for obvious reasons that day was very different.
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