Friday 25 March 2011

the final question/question 9- Daniel smith

what was your contribution to the process during the planning, production and post-production stages?

The planning stage: the ideas I put forward was of the mum gardening as a little girl, presumably her daughter, watches her out the window as she gets attacked by a zombie. i then suggested little girl being a zombie for impact. I then suggested from someone else’s idea that the zombie girl could write the titles on the window in blood. the planning stage took allot of thought and allot of ideas were suggested like i said we could have a zombie hand coming out the ground with the titles on, this and another idea of time speeding up showing different stages of the infection spreading were disregarded for the ideas mentioned previously.
 Production: I was part of the film whilst also directing and producing, I then had a few good ideas. Like the flumps ,my favourite, I suggested that if we soak flumps in red food dye and that they could act as intestines and guts on the first victim, which happened to be myself. I then suggested that before the main character gets attacked they should meet the man being eaten before he is eaten. This way it doesn’t look like they just ignored the zombie on the floor. The shot types i suggested were a shot half way down the stairs of zombies running towards it, this wasn’t used, also the one where it  was above the stairs on the wall this got a high angel of the zombies running. i also offered for them to use my wallet as it would look better than if he was just picking up some loose change.

post production: i matched most almost all of the music with the film with help from tom, i also created half the music for example the music that runs all the way through the film 'Sandoway Ricochet' and then at the end of the film there is some more of that instrument and a really high pitched screechy noise after the scream. Tom and I recorded some sounds like the bang on the window was me and then the breathing and growling. The nursery rhyme is also both of us and it was edited by both of us too.

i helped do the final edit for the film with help from sarah ellis we both came behind at lunch times.

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